Not resistance
Torture, sexual violence, kidnapping and murder of civilians is not resistance.
The Spirit of the Outback Train
About the Spirit of the Outback, Queensland’s long distance train from Brisbane to Longreach.
I wanna do bad things with you (part 1)
Why write a post about a TV show that finished in the mid 2010s? Well, for fun, and because it’s alive and well for many of us. True Blood burst into my life in the late 2000s and I still re-watch it today.
It’s not for the fainthearted, though. (Is that why I love it? 😝)
Fantasy lovers giveaway 💝
Who’s ready for a pre-Christmas giveaway?
It’s easy-peasey, book lovers!
All you have to do is subscribe to my email newsletter to win copies of my books, The Red Line and The Strange brew, mugs, stickers, or a zip purse.
Some background on ‘The Red Line’
In writing this first installment of The North Queensland Vampire Mysteries, I asked myself questions.
What would happen if….?
The Red Line orders
I’m quite shocked at how quickly The Red Line paperbacks I ordered sold. There are only a couple left at the moment.
Zoey Matthews, The Undead Ghost, and the Demon
Zoey’s a down-to-earth and highly likable thirty-something who deserves better. After recently dumping her philandering ex, she’s rebuilding her life, enjoying living independently (in a loft apartment), and getting back into playing music—all a great start for me.
Vampire thrills in the tropics coming soon
The Red Line, my new novel, is publishing soon. Here are some teasers for the light fantasy vampire thriller set in the steamy tropics in 1997.
Advice on writing craft and first drafts
Some advice for aspiring authors on the practice of writing and how to get your first draft down.