I wanna do bad things with you (part 1)
Why write a post about a TV show that finished in the mid 2010s? Well, for fun, and because it’s alive and well for many of us. True Blood burst into my life in the late 2000s and I still re-watch it today.
It’s not for the fainthearted, though. (Is that why I love it? 😝)
Somehow True Blood successfully melded a cringe love soundtrack for Sookie and Bill, outrageous sex scenes with Jason Stackhouse, a ton of eccentric and flawed, yet lovable, characters, a great soundtrack, gallons of blood, and much hilarity. Then they wrapped it up in small town Louisiana charm. 👌
The show led me to Charlaine Harris’s Sookie Stackhouse series, too. I’m grateful for that.
This post is really a fun appreciation post for others who love the show. But if you’ve been considering watching it, you might also enjoy it.
Don’t forget to let me know your favourite scenes or quotes in the comments. 😁
Bill to Sookie: ‘What are you?’
(So iconic)
Sookie to the staff at Merlotte’s Bar and Grill: ‘I am NOT psychic.’
(I can hear her say it as I read the line 🤭)
Bill to Sookie: ‘I am vampire and you are mortal.’ 🩸
Gran: ‘Jason’s a good boy. Everyone knows that.’
Jessica Hanby: ‘So, who’s good to eat around here?’
Pam (to Arlene’s children): ‘You make me so happy I never had any of you.’
Eric Northman: ‘No, c’mon Pam, they’re funny. They’re like humans, but miniature. ‘Teacup humans’.’
Eric Northman: ‘Perhaps I’ll grow on you.’
Sookie Stackhouse: ‘I prefer cancer.’
(It’s one of my favourite lines. Her delivery is superb)
Sookie Stackhouse to Bill: ‘I almost died last night... again!’
(I mean, count. the. times… 😂)
Bill Compton after Eric tricks Sookie into drinking his blood: ‘You’re connected. He’ll be able to sense your emotions.’
Sookie Stackhouse: ‘You big lying A-hole.’
Eric Northman: ‘Bill, you’re right. I believe I can sense her emotions.’ 😂😂😂
Jason Stackhouse: ‘Oh, c’mon, Andy. I’m not that smart.’
Gran: ‘You’re always careful, Sookie. About what counts. And I can depend on that. Isn’t that right?’
(I adore Gran ❤️)
Sookie to Bill: ‘When you talk to me, you will talk to me like the lady I am.’ 💅
Godric: ‘A human with me at the end. With human tears. Two thousand years and I can still be surprised.’
(such a moving scene, although I still want it to go differently every time I watch it)
Godric and Sookie in Dallas
It seems wild to be placing any Jason Stackhouse quote in the meaningful section, but here I go:
‘You’re either on the dark side or you’re on the side of the light!’ 🤷🏻♀️
Sam Merlotte to Maryann: ‘This is my bar! These are my people! This is my town!’ 🙌
Lorena to Sookie: ‘Oh please, please try. Without that sanctimonious little pr*ck, Godric, to save you, I would just love to rip you open and wear your ribcage as a hat.’
Lorena goads and threatens Sookie
Billy Bob, the good ol’ boy in the Grabit Quick: ‘I’ll kill ya, and then I’ll eat ya.’
Denise Rattray: ‘You have any idea who you’re messing with? You don’t want to be on my bad side.’
Sookie: ‘I’m not so sure you even have another side you no count back woods trash.’
Eric Northman to Lafayette: ‘I’ve seen your website... it’s very low rent.’ 😂
Sam: ‘Sookie, you have no future with a vampire!’
Sookie: ‘They don’t die. I’ve got nothing but a future with one.’ 💥
Jason (the day after he’d hit Sookie): ‘Sookie, please... Please. We are all we’ve got.’
Sookie: ‘We’ve got nothing.’
Gran: ‘My stars.’ ✨
Jessica: ‘How do you know I’m a nice girl?’ (Jessica)
Hoyt: ‘Cause of your smile, I guess. You can tell a lot about someone by the way that they smile, and, ah, I watch people all the time. That’s beautiful. I could just, I could stare at that all day long.’ 💘
Layfayette to Jason: ‘You a dizzy motherf***er.’
(Lafayette’s putting it mildly there)
Enjoy the theme song below and if you’re looking for a vampire read that’s a little different, you might like my novel, The Red Line.
It's 1997, and Vampires live alongside humans in the sultry North of Australia. You best believe it’s not going smoothly as hoped. 😉 Buy a copy here.
Morgan x